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Pierwszy w Europie Wschodniej AOSpine Center!!!
Pierwszy w Polsce !!!
Twórcami są gdańscy chirurdzy kręgosłupa w składzie:
Rafał Pankowski, Wojciech Kloc, Marek Rocławski i Stanisław Adamski.

Medical University of Gdansk, Copernicus Centre, Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn” has been approved as an AOSpine Center.

AOSpine Centers are a prestigious clinical network of institutions that provide an approved standard of training and education. These centers host short and long-term fellowships and, when applicable, participate in research and educational initiatives.
AOSpine’s network of Spine Centers is a key element to the further development of the global AOSpine community.
Potential candidates should refer to their region below for further information.