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Spine surgery has experienced tremendous development in the last 20 years. The reasons for this are, among others increasing number of patients with chronic back pain syndromes, greater social and economic burden on society with costs of treatment and rehabilitation, wider availability of doctors to modern treatment options. The interest of doctors in this field of medicine was getting wider. And so in 2006, during the 1st International Scientific Symposium in Zakopane, entitled “Controversy and Advances in Spine Surgery”, it was decided to establish an organization that would bring together people interested in the further development of spine surgery in Poland. The idea behind the creators was the interdisciplinary nature of the society, which was to bring together specialists in many fields of medicine: neurosurgeons, orthopedists, physiotherapists, neurologists, imaging diagnostics, biotechnologists and others. Thus, the Society was inspired by doctors dealing with spine diseases operating in the Spondyloorthopedics section of the Polish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and the Neuroorthopedics section of the Polish Society of Neurosurgery.
The Zakopane Symposium, which took place on October 13-14, 2010, was considered the 1st Congress of the Polish Society of Spine Surgery. The Polish Society of Spine Surgery was entered into the National Court Register on April 27, 2007 under the number KRS 0000279821. The articles of association state that the function of the President of the Society is alternately performed by a neurosurgeon and an orthopedist. The first president was elected prof. related dr hab. med. Daniel Zarzycki. The newly formed Society decided to publish its own scientific journal called “The Journal of Spine Surgery”.